Englefield Green Village Residents’ Association
Englefield Green Village Residents’ Association (EGVRA) is an independent body,
run by local residents elected at the Annual General Meeting. We aim to give
members a voice in the community over a wide range of topics, such as
♣ Preservation and protection of local amenities
♣ Monitoring planning applications, traffic movements and parking problems
♣ Liaising closely with Runnymede Borough Council and Surrey County
Council to discuss proposed local planning developments
♣ Representing EGVRA on Community Liaison committees at Royal Holloway
to discuss proposed development plans on the campus and surrounding area,
and also student interaction with the community
♣ Holding regular meetings with local councillors and police
♣ Keeping in touch with local schools, churches and the Village Centre
♣ Supporting our Annual Village Fair, which is an excellent fund raising event.
Money raised from the fair is donated to various local causes such as schools,
projects for the elderly, youth clubs, local sports teams, scouts, guides and
many others.
Become a member of EGVRA to have your say, and to know what is going on in
Englefield Green. If there are any local issues of interest or importance, emails are
sent out to members.
For more details on the association please contact the Chairman, Keith Bendall via
email at englefieldgreenvillage@hotmail.com or 01784 435822