EVGRAEnglefield Green, Surrey, England
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Egham Crossings - epetition response


No 10 has responded to the petition "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to ensure that the AirTrack scheme has minimal negative impact on Egham."

Details of Petition:

"The proposed route for AirTrack will close each of Egham's three main level crossings by between 37 and 44 minutes every hour, cutting Egham in half. There are no sensible alternative roads or pedestrian routes available. This will have a detrimental impact on businesses and residents of Egham, and the surrounding area. It will also have a serious impact on traffic in the area including junction 13 of the M25. AirTrack acknowledges these crossings will 'be significantly affected'. We call on the government to ensure that bridges or tunnels are provided as part of the AirTrack scheme, or if that is not feasible to re-route the track and provide a bridge in a feasible location."

The Government's response.....

The Government is aware that local residents and authorities have expressed some concerns about the Airtrack proposal being promoted by BAA which would provide for a new direct rail link connecting Heathrow to the existing rail network to the south and west, including Reading, Guildford and London Waterloo.

BAA has acknowledged the potential effect of extra rail services on road users at level crossings, particularly in the Egham area, and has highlighted the issue in its consultation document and at public meetings.

The Government is looking to BAA, as sponsor of the Airtrack project, to continue to work with local authorities, Network Rail and the Office of Rail Regulation to develop, and refine, its proposals, taking into account local issues raised through the consultation process - such as those at level crossings. This will include identifying potential changes to the local road network which could mitigate the impact at level crossings, for example bridges or other works.

The scheme is currently under development and will be subject to approval by the Government under the Transport and Works Act.

Details of petition available at http://www.number10.gov.uk/