Runnymede Core Strategy 'Policy Approaches' Consultation
The Council is consulting residents, businesses and statutory consultees on its "Policy Approaches" Core Strategy document.
The consultation period runs from 19th June for six weeks until Friday 31st July.
The Core Strategy document can be downloaded from our website at and follow the Local Development Framework and then the Core Strategy Public Participation ? June 2009 links.
Also on this webpage are copies of the "comments" form and "registration" form that should be downloaded and used, when responding to our consultation.
The Core Strategy document is backed up by a number of studies and these too can be accessed on our web site by following the Local Development Framework link and then scrolling down the page to the Background Documents.
We will be accepting all written comments on our "Policy Approaches" consultation during the next 6 weeks and these should either be sent as an email attachment to or by post to: Runnymede Core Strategy Consultation, Civc Centre, Station Road ADDLESTONE KT15 2AH
Alternatively if you have any queries you can contact the Planning Policy team:
Chris Hanson-Kahn 01932 425278
Tunde Adebutu 01932 425274
Jane Peberdy 01932 425252
Cheryl Brown 01932 425717
Lucy Fenton 01932 425268
Chris Hanson-Kahn
Planning Policy Manager