Christmas time is a time when many relationships are stretched to breaking. This article might be a good reminder to consider what is important in your personal relationship.
2500 homes to be built on Longcross site 08/09/2008 On top of plans for an energy waste plant and a development at Virginia Water train station, Developer Crest Nicholson wants to build the homes in Longcross and a business park on the former MOD site in Chobham Lane. Crest Nicholson had outline permission from RBC to develop the former MOD site near Virginia Water.Local residents are concerned that Crest Nicholson aim to close Burma Road and the footpath linking Virginia Water to Longcross Station and Chobham Common.[more details]
20 everyday rip-offs 17/08/2008
Everyday life is filled with little rip offs that could seriously hurt you wealth. [more details]
New research shows incinerator plants could damage fertility of children 21/06/2008 Greenpeace called on the Labour Party to ban rubbish incinerators and abandon plans for up to 100 new plants, after medical research published in The Lancet showed that toxic fumes from incinerators could be having alarming effects on the sexual development of children. [more details]
Recent terrorist incidents in London and Glasgow 03/07/2007
In the light of the recent terrorist incidents in London and Glasgow, Surrey Police wish to advise you:- [more details]
Not strictly legal.... 10/05/2007
Most people accept the premise of intellectual property, but growing sections of the public (the young, in particular) are rejecting the way intellectual property rights are applied. As IT professionals are increasingly being used as enforcers, maybe it's time to say it isn't working. [more details]